Scientific areas

Priority thematic areas of research and development

CMU Resolution of 30.04.2024 No. 476 ‘On Approval of the List of Priority Thematic Areas of Scientific Research and Scientific and Technical Development for the Period until 31 December of the Year Following the Termination or Cancellation of Martial Law in Ukraine’

In NTU ‘KhPI’ in 2024, scientific research and scientific and technical developments funded from the state budget of Ukraine are carried out in the following priority thematic areas:

Fundamental research on the most important problems of development of scientific and technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness in the world and sustainable development of society and the state Research of the latest problems of continuum mechanics and machine mechanics
Fundamental problems of physics, astrophysics, materials science, nuclear energy and radiation safety;
Energy and energy efficiency
Systems of generation and transportation of electric and thermal energy;
Energy efficiency and energy saving, energy markets;
Technologies for the development and use of new fuels, renewable and alternative energy sources and fuels;
Energy management, information and analytical, regulatory and methodological support of the energy sector;
Life sciences, new technologies for prevention and treatment of the most common diseases
New diagnostic methods and technologies;
Information technologies in medicine;
New substances and materials
New materials and special-purpose substances with unique properties and functional characteristics and technologies for their manufacture;
New models of weapons, ammunition, military and special equipment, high-precision munitions, air defence systems, unmanned platforms and strike robotics with promising tactical and technical characteristics;
Innovative metallic materials and products Optical, radio-transparent, electrical, magnetic, semi- and superconducting, low-dimensional and smart materials and systems and devices based on them;
Biomaterials and materials for medical purposes;
New resource-saving, energy-saving and environmentally friendly processes for obtaining competitive substances and materials and products from them;
Ceramic and composite materials and coatings for extreme conditions of use;
Information and communication technologies
Artificial intelligence systems;
Rational use of natural resources
Assessment and integrated management of water resources, water supply and water treatment technologies, availability of drinking water;


Medium-term priority areas of innovation activity at the industry level

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 05.07.2024 No. 787 ‘Some issues of determining medium-term priority areas of innovation activity at the sectoral level’


Scientific areas in which scientific and scientific and technical activities are carried out

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 22.09.2018 No. 652 ‘Some issues of state certification of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities’
Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 26.04.2024 No. 585 ‘TABLE of correspondence of scientific areas in which scientific and scientific-technical activities are carried out to educational specialities’

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, NTU “KhPI” conducts research in the following scientific areas:

  • National security and defence;
  • Information security and cybersecurity;
  • Automated control systems;
  • Methods and means of preventing emergencies, responding to them and eliminating the consequences of such situations and neutralising weapons of destruction;
  • Environmentally balanced energy security;
  • Chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear safety and security;
  • Fundamental research on the most important problems of development of scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political and human potential to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness in the world and sustainable development of society and the state;
  • Research of the latest problems of continuum mechanics and machine mechanics;
  • Development of the newest branches of mathematics and mathematical statistics, mathematical modelling of topical problems of natural and social sciences and humanities;
  • Fundamental problems of physics, astrophysics, materials science, nuclear energy and radiation safety;
  • Development of the latest ideas about the chemical structure, reactivity, elementary stages of chemical reactions in order to create scientific principles for the purposeful management of such processes, functionalisation of chemical compounds, substances and materials, development and optimisation of chemical methods and technologies;
  • Fundamental problems of technology development in the aviation and rocket and space industries;
  • National interests of Ukraine in the context of geopolitical problems of the modern globalised world and the formation of a new international legal order. Development of the national legal system in the context of Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration;
  • Current issues of human and civil rights protection under martial law;
  • Social and psychological support of a person in the context of social changes and threats to life safety;
  • Forecasting of current challenges and threats to the development of the economy and its sectors in the medium and long term, demographic development of the situation in Ukraine and labour movement and their impact on the real sector of the economy;
  • Harmonisation of interests and needs of the individual with the demands of society in the labour market, dual education, forecasting of qualifications and competences required for the labour market in Ukraine in the medium and long term;
  • Technologies of education and socialisation of children and youth with special educational needs in the context of creating a society of equal opportunities;
  • Problems of humanitarian consolidation of Ukrainian society and functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language;
    Preservation of historical and cultural heritage and modernisation of archival affairs;
  • Information and communication technologies;
  • Artificial intelligence systems;
  • Technological means and services of software engineering;
  • Cyber-physical systems. Internet of things. Robotics. Computer processing of signals of various types and origin;
  • Deep learning, big data, neural networks;
  • Information and communication systems and networks;
  • Supercomputer complexes. Modelling and solving of highly complex problems. Cloud computing;
  • Intelligent interactive information and analytical systems. Integrated database and knowledge systems. National information resources;
  • Digitalisation of social and humanitarian processes and education in the digital age;
  • Energy and energy efficiency;
  • Electricity and heat generation and transmission systems;
  • Fuel bases, transportation and utilisation systems;
  • Technologies for the development and use of new fuels, renewable and alternative energy sources and fuels;
  • Energy efficiency and energy saving, energy markets;
  • Energy management, information and analytical, regulatory and methodological support of the energy sector;
  • Rational use of natural resources;
  • Modelling and forecasting the state of the environment, technologies for overcoming negative impacts on it;
  • Technologies for monitoring the ecological state of natural and artificial ecosystems;
  • Technologies for monitoring the state and rational use of water bioresources, biotechnology of aqua and mariculture;
  • Innovative technologies for the conservation and sustainable use of natural (mineral, land, soil, water and biotic) resources;
  • Assessment and integrated management of water resources, water supply and treatment technologies, and access to drinking water;
  • Restoration of natural complexes and objects, protection of the nature reserve fund, conservation of biodiversity of natural and artificial ecosystems, genetic certification of valuable objects;
  • Development of new medicines and medical devices;
  • New diagnostic methods and technologies;
  • Development of modern rehabilitation methods and technologies to restore the physical and mental health of military personnel, including war veterans, and civilians affected by military operations;
  • Information technologies in medicine;
  • Designing and completing prosthetic and orthopaedic products depending on the functional capabilities of a person, determining the costs associated with the production and/or purchase of such products;
  • New substances and materials;
  • New materials and special-purpose substances with unique properties and functional characteristics and technologies for their manufacture;
  • Innovative metal materials and products made of them;
  • Ceramic and composite materials and coatings for extreme conditions of use;
  • Optical, radiopaque, electrical, magnetic, semi- and superconducting, low-dimensional and smart materials and systems and devices based on them;
  • Substances, materials and processes of chemical production;
  • Biomaterials and materials for medical purposes;
  • Materials and equipment for strategically important sectors of the economy;
  • New resource-saving, energy-saving and environmentally friendly processes for obtaining competitive substances and materials and products from them.
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