Bulletin of NTU «Khpi»

Since 1961, KhPI has published a collection of scientific works «Bulletin of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute». According to the rector’s order No. 158-1 dated 05/07/2001 «On streamlining the publication of the KhPI National Technical University Bulletin», the collection was renamed the KhPI National Technical University Bulletin.

The Bulletin of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” is included in the list of specialized publications of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and is published in series that reflect the scientific activities of the university’s scientists and potential recipients of academic degrees and titles. Today there are 17 separate series.

Series: Automobile and tractor construction

ISSN 2078-6840

Official website of the publication: http://ait.khpi.edu.ua

The publication is devoted to the coverage of issues related to the design, experimental research, mathematical modelling of cars, tractors, their components, assemblies, systems. In addition, it presents developments in the field of operation, durability, repair and improvement of their design.

Category “B” in speciality 133

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Actual problems of the development of Ukrainian society

ISSN 2227-6890

Official website of the publication: http://ccte.khpi.edu.ua

The publication is devoted to identifying the problems of development of Ukrainian society and finding ways to solve them by means of social sciences and humanities and technologies. For scientists, university professors, postgraduate students, students and specialists in the humanities.

Category “B” by speciality: 33, 281

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Hydraulic machines and hydraulic units

 ISSN 2411-3441 (print) та ISSN 2523-4471 (online)

http://gm.khpi.edu.uaOfficial website of the publication: http://gm.khpi.edu.ua

The publication is devoted to the coverage of achievements in the field of hydropower, hydraulic turbine control systems, structural synthesis and analysis of hydraulic automation and hydraulic drives, dynamic synthesis and analysis of hydraulic drives. The article describes studies of work processes in vane and volumetric hydraulic machines of oil and gas industries.

Category “B” by speciality: 131, 133

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Dynamics and strength of machines

ISSN 2078-9130

http://jdsm.khpi.edu.uaOfficial website of the publication: http://jdsm.khpi.edu.ua

The publication covers topical issues, theoretical and practical results of scientific research and development of static and dynamic strength of structural elements of modern machines and power plants.

Category “B” by specialities: 113, 122

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Economic Sciences

ISSN 2519-4461

Official website of the publication: http://es.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes the results of research and generalisation of current trends in the domestic and world economic system, the state and prospects of economic development of regions, enterprises and organisations; features of investment management, innovation, business, economic risks, marketing activities, legal support of enterprises, business planning, financial management, accounting and audit issues, social progress.

Category “B” by specialities: 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 242, 281, 292

Periodicity: 6 issues per year

Series: Energy: reliability and energy efficiency

ISSN 2224-0349

Official website of the publication: http://eree.khpi.edu.ua

Main scientific directions of the journal:

  • research of processes in electric power systems
  • reliability of electric power systems and their elements
  • energy saving technologies in the electric power industry
  • quality of electric energy
  • electric power generation
  • power transmission systems
  • equipment of electric power systems
  • automation and relay protection systems in the power industry
  • Smart Grid technologies in the power industry
  • energy security
  • cybersecurity in the power industry
  • environmental impact of power systems

Category “B” in the speciality: 141

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Energy and heat engineering processes and equipment

ISSN 2078-774X (print) та ISSN 2707-7543 (on-line)

Official website of the publication: http://etpo.khpi.edu.ua

The publication is devoted to the coverage of achievements in the fields of power and transport engineering. The journal publishes articles related to technical thermal physics, hydroaeromechanics in power and aviation equipment, optimisation in power engineering, efficiency and reliability of thermal equipment, application and verification of modern CFD programs, energy-saving technologies in power generation, distribution and transportation, unconventional energy, high technologies and environmental aspects in power engineering.

Category “B” by speciality: 113, 122, 132, 133, 141, 142, 143, 144, 151

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Innovative studies in scientific works of students

ISSN 2220-4784 (print) та ISSN 2663-8738 (online)

Official website of the publication: http://idnrs.khpi.edu.ua

The publication is devoted to the coverage of scientific and educational achievements in the field of integrated technologies, processes and devices of chemical and food engineering. The journal publishes articles related to the development of technologies for integrated innovative teaching and scientific and technical creativity of students; continuous development of the base of fundamental and professional knowledge, as well as organisational skills in the process of innovative design and development of technological objects of various levels of complexity.

Category “B” by specialities: 151,152

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Informatics and modeling

ISSN 2079-0031 (Print) та ISSN 2411-0558 (Online)

Official website of the publication: http://pim.khpi.edu.ua

The publication covers the results of experimental research in the field of programming and hardware development. It shows the possibilities of modelling for studying complex objects and designing control devices. The problems of artificial intelligence, solving topical problems of modelling and optimisation of complex technical and social systems are also considered.

Category “B” by specialities: 122, 123, 151, 152

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Mathematical modeling in engineering and technology

ISSN 2222-0631

Official website of the publication: http://mmtt.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes the results of the creation, verification and implementation of new mathematical methods and models for the design and study of samples of modern technology, production processes and information technologies for various purposes. The journal is intended for scientists, university professors, postgraduates, students and specialists in the fields where mathematical modelling is used.

Category “B” by specialities: 133

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Mechanical engineering and CAD

ISSN 2079-0775

Official website of the publication: http://misapr.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes the results of studies of kinematics, dynamics, stress-strain state of elements of modern machines, as well as methods, models and systems of their computer-aided design. Articles related to the development of computer-aided design systems, the use of mathematical modelling in engineering, the introduction of information technology and software development.

Category “B” by specialities: 131, 133

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: New solutions in modern technologies

ISSN 2079-5459 (print) та ISSN 2413-4295 (online)

Official website of the publication: http://vestnik2079-5459.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes scientific results and achievements of multidisciplinary research of young scientists of a wide profile in the fields of mechanical engineering, energy, organic and inorganic substances technologies, ecology, information technologies and control systems, high voltage engineering and electrophysics, as well as fundamental aspects of modern technologies.

Category “B” by specialities: 132, 141, 142, 151, 152, 161, 181

Periodicity: 4 issues per year

Series: Problems of improving electric machines and devices. Theory and practice

ISSN 2079-3944

Official website of the publication: http://pema.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes the results of research in electrical apparatus engineering, electrical machine building, power engineering, strong electric and magnetic field engineering, theoretical electrical engineering, power plants and networks, as well as fundamental aspects of modern technologies. The articles are focused on the possible use of the results of scientists’ developments in industrial production.

Category “B” by specialities: 141

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: System analysis, management and information technologies

ISSN 2079-0023 (print) та ISSN 2410-2857(online)

Official website of the publication: http://samit.khpi.edu.ua/

A peer-reviewed open access scientific journal that publishes new scientific results in the field of system analysis and management of complex systems, obtained on the basis of modern applied mathematical methods and advanced information technologies. The journal publishes works related to artificial intelligence, big data analysis, modern methods of high-performance computing in distributed decision support systems.

Category “B” by specialities: 113, 121, 122, 124, 126, 151

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Strategic management, management of portfolios, programs and projects

ISSN 2311-4738 (print) та ISSN 2413-3000 (on-line)

Official website of the publication: http://pm.khpi.edu.ua

The publication is dedicated to the problems of managing the development of companies, territories and countries. The main attention is paid to the coverage of the achievements of strategic management, portfolio management, programmes, projects and the relationship between these sciences. The issues of creating and using methodologies for managing the development of objects, methods of operations research, mathematical statistics, and information technology are considered.

Category “B” by specialities: 122,126

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Technologies in mechanical engineering

ISSN 2079-004Х   (Print) та ISSN 2786-7587 (online)

Official website of the publication: http://tm.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes articles that theoretically investigate and improve the technological processes of manufacturing machine parts and assembling products, technological equipment and tooling, with special attention to: machining methods, their stability and reliability; formation of accuracy and surface quality of machine parts; modelling, design and optimisation of technological processes; organisational and technological problems of flexible production; automation of mechanical assembly operations; creation, management and diagnostics

Category “B” by specialities: 131, 132, 133, 151

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

Series: Chemistry, chemical technologies and ecology

ISSN 2079-0821 (print) та ISSN 2708-5252 (online)

Official website of the publication: http://ccte.khpi.edu.ua

The journal publishes the results of theoretical and experimental research in the field of organic and inorganic chemistry, chemical technology and engineering in various specialities, industrial biotechnology, ecology, resource conservation and environmental protection.

Category “B” by specialities: 101, 161, 162, 181, 185

Periodicity: 2 issues per year

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