Publications of category “A”

Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics

ISSN 2074-272X (Print), ISSN 2309-3404 (Online)

Official website of the publication:

Theoretical electrical engineering, engineering electrophysics, strong electric and magnetic field engineering, electrical machines and apparatus, electrical complexes and systems, power electronics, electrical insulation and cable engineering, electric transport, power plants, networks and systems, electrical equipment safety.

Category “A” in the speciality 141
Frequency of publication: 6 issues per year

Indexing bases:
SCOPUSWeb of Science™ Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)DOAJProQuestEBSCO Publishing INC.Gale/Cengage LearningUlrich’s Periodical Directory

Modern information systems

ISSN 2522-9052

Official website of the publication:

Problems of identification in information systems. Modelling of information systems. Methods of optimisation. Methods of adaptive control. Methods of synthesis of information systems. Research of information systems. Intelligent information systems. Methods of protection of information systems. Fundamental problems of information systems operation. Applied problems of information systems operation.

Category “A” in the following specialities: 121 – 126, 151, 152, 172
Frequency of publication: 4 issues per year

Indexing bases:
SCOPUSWeb of Science™ Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)DOAJProQuestEBSCO Publishing INC.Gale/Cengage LearningUlrich’s Periodical Directory

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