Famous scientists

Borys Paton National Prize of Ukraine (State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology)

The prize is a state award of Ukraine, which is awarded for:
• Outstanding scientific research that contributes to the further development of humanities, natural and technical sciences, has a positive impact on social progress and establishes the high authority of national science in the world, in particular, for scientific papers containing outstanding results of fundamental scientific research that have gained international recognition;
• development and implementation of new equipment, materials and technologies, in particular, research that makes a significant contribution to national security and defence;
• works that make a significant contribution to solving environmental protection and ecological safety problems;
•creation of textbooks for secondary, vocational and higher education institutions that
meet modern requirements and contribute to the effective acquisition of knowledge, significantly affect the improvement of training of future specialists

(Regulations on the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology)


View information about NTU ‘KhPI’ scientists who have won the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology for the period 1992-2021


The annual prize was established by Presidential Decree No. 779/2000 of 12 June 2000 (as amended by Presidential Decrees No. 104/2001 of 21 February 2001 and No. 253/2003 of 24 March 2003). it is awarded by the President of Ukraine upon the proposal of the Committee for State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology.


View information about the scientists of NTU ‘KhPI’, who became the winners of the Presidential Prize for Young Scientists for the period 2006-2022

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