Scientific schools

Automated energy-saving electric drive

Dynamics of electromechanical systems with negative sliding friction; topological methods of studying electromechanical and electrical systems; intelligent methods of controlling electromechanical systems (neural networks, phase-logic, genetic algorithms); synthesis of electromechanical systems with specified control parameters.

Internal combustion engines

Thermodynamic optimisation of internal combustion engines (ICE), combustion kinetics and toxicity in them, secondary heat recovery and alternative fuels. Long-term durability, thermal stress of ICE components and alternative materials and coatings. Multi-fuel internal combustion engines, computer-aided design systems and environmentalisation of internal combustion engines.

Electrical insulation and cable engineering

Development of technologies for design, testing and production of power electrical cables and fibre optic communication lines. Improvement of methods for studying the parameters of electrical insulation. Research in the field of qualification (verification of compliance with the conditions of the maximum design accident) of electrical equipment of nuclear power plants – control and power cables; electric motors.

Integrated technologies and energy saving

Generalisation of the theory of economically optimal synthesis of heat exchange networks. Substantiation of an integrated approach for the design and energy-efficient reconstruction of industrial enterprises, modernisation of complex production systems, technological processes and industrial complexes in general. Practical implementation of the theory of integration of thermal processes by analysing and reducing specific energy consumption in heat supply systems and production facilities in various industries. Systematisation of methods for building highly efficient recuperative heat exchange networks in housing and communal services, oil refining, coke and chemical, food, metallurgical industries, etc.

Integrated technologies of mechanical engineering

Development of high-tech systems for processing composite materials; Increasing the efficiency of machine-building production on the basis of generative technologies for accelerated prototyping of parts (Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing); Development of optimal modes and parameters of precision processing of optical products.

Information and analytical technologies for monitoring and management of complex systems

Development of models, methods and information technologies to support decision-making processes under conditions of uncertainty. Research in the field of management of complex technical, economic and socio-economic systems. Development of intelligent models and technologies to improve the efficiency of designing and maintaining complex software systems. Improving the efficiency of information and analytical technologies for strategic management of hierarchical distributed systems.

Catalytic and mass transfer processes in the technologies of bonded nitrogen, methanol, catalysts and in the fuel and energy complex

Kinetics and catalysis of nitrogen bonding processes, including oxide catalysts for ammonia oxidation. Technologies for the extraction of platinum from spent absorbent sorbents and the development of absorbent sorbents to reduce irreversible losses of platinum catalysts in the production of nitric and hydrocyanic acids. Technologies for methanol production and hydrocarbon production enhancement.

Medical electronicsAccordion Item

Problems of nonlinear deformation of complex mechanical systems under static loads; Problems of oscillations and reliability of mechanical systems under deterministic and random static loading.

Mechanics, dynamics and strength of machines

Problems of nonlinear deformation of complex mechanical systems under static loads; Problems of oscillations and reliability of mechanical systems under deterministic and random static loading.

Optimal control, diagnostics and reliability forecasting of complex heat and power systems

Development of the theory and practice of optimal control, diagnostics and reliability forecasting of complex thermal power systems, including power units of thermal and nuclear power plants, in order to improve the efficiency and safety of power generating complexes. Improvement of technologies for design and operation of nuclear power generation facilities.

Industrial ecology

Creation of new technological processes, equipment and process automation to increase the degree of raw material utilisation, reduce industrial waste and emissions, utilisation and recycling of solid, liquid industrial and domestic waste based on the theory of chemical and technological processes, ecology, biotechnology and eco-biotechnology.

Railway rolling stock

Development and creation of high-speed magnetically levitating transport facilities using superconductivity.

Structural surface engineering

The school’s activities include a combination of 3 levels of surface modification based on structural programming: 1st level: Modification of the surface of the base material (chemical-thermal, thermal, thermo-mechanical, methods, including ionic and gas nitriding, boron, cementation, microwave and TFE treatment); 2nd level: Optimisation of the formation of a new layer on both sides of the original surface based on structural data (e.g. micro-arc oxidation); Level 3: Structural engineering of a surface layer made of a new material (vacuum-arc, ion-plasma, electron-beam, etc. coatings).

Modern information technologies for managing regional energy complexes

Modelling the consumption of fuel and energy resources on a regional scale. Creation of improved models of heat and electricity consumption in the municipal sector during the heating season, studying the impact of the fullness of demand for heat, electricity and natural cooking gas. Synthesis of optimal algorithms for controlling the operation of district heating sources in order to achieve a compromise between the quality and efficiency of heat supply to residential areas.

High voltage engineering and electrophysics

Applied and fundamental research in the field of high voltage engineering and electrophysics, including lightning physics; electromagnetic compatibility and resistance of vehicles to the damaging effects of powerful electromagnetic interference of natural and artificial origin. Design of high-voltage equipment with limit parameters, namely: generators of pulse currents and voltages, simulators of powerful electromagnetic fields. Carrying out diagnostics of high-voltage equipment, including nuclear power plants, high-voltage networks, etc. Carrying out lightning protection works for strategic facilities: aircraft, nuclear power plants, ships, etc.

Technological processes in technical electrochemistry

Development of the scientific basis for the electrodeposition of protective, decorative and functional coatings for the chemical, machine-building and electrical industries. Study of the mechanisms of electrode reactions of electrocatalytic processes in chemical current sources and electrochemical corrosion protection. Development of theories for predicting the state of electrochemical systems based on the use of artificial neural networks.

Tractor construction

Development of hydraulic transmissions for vehicles. Creation of new models of automotive tractor equipment. Experimental research of chassis and power units of tractors and automotive vehicles.

Turbine engineering

Optimal design of the flow part of axial turbines. Solving specific optimal problems in order to create new profiles, highly efficient stages, groups of stages and flow parts of cylinders of modern steam turbines. Optimisation of flow parts with regard to their operating conditions. Aerodynamic improvement of the turbine flow elements based on solving inverse problems. Development of new approaches to the creation of cooling systems for high-temperature gas turbines based on the use of non-standard refrigerants.

Physics of low-dimensional systems and superconductivity

Research of stability problems and physical mechanisms of genesis of high-temperature superconductors and low-dimensional systems; study of optical properties of multilayer structures for optoelectronics; laser technologies and spectroscopy; study of mirror surfaces for plasma diagnostics in fusion reactors; development of sensitive elements of environmental sensors; methods of synthesis of nanomaterials in zero gravity; developments in the field of fibre optic technology and holography.

Physics of thin films and physical materials science

Research of the structure and physical properties of materials, mechanisms of formation of film and other nanoscale objects, phase transformations in condensed systems. Development of physical bases of technologies for new materials with unique properties (nanocrystalline objects, films and film compositions, fullerenes, ceramics, biomaterials, quasicrystals, artificial diamonds, superhard materials, etc.)

Physical and chemical bases of creation of new heat-resistant inorganic materials and coatings

Development of technologies for the synthesis of polyfunctional ceramic materials and coatings for a wide range of applications; Technologies for the creation of silicate and composite materials with specified, including special, properties by controlled phase and structure formation under intensive heat treatment. Low-temperature synthesis of nanoparticles and powders of refractory compounds and creation of high-performance structural, composite materials and refractories using the sol-gel process. Development of heat-resistant glass-ceramic, glass-composite and glass-enamel coatings for metal protection; Technologies for creating special-purpose binders and concrete based on them.


Chemistry and technology of fats

Research in the field of stabilisation and improvement of the quality of fats and fat-containing food products, development and introduction of new antioxidants derived from plant materials into industry. Synthesis of surface-active substances, creation and organisation of industrial production and introduction of new surface-active materials based on them, including active components of household detergents, auxiliary agents for oil and gas production, lubricants and cooling agents for mechanical processing of materials. Research on catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons; development of new technologies for the production of synthetic fatty acids, higher fatty alcohols and their derivatives.


Modification of polymers and composite systems based on them

Research and development of technologies for the creation of functional polymer composite materials (PCM) with an adjustable set of properties. Improving the thermodynamic compatibility of PCM components by targeted modification of filler surfaces to impart functional properties to them. Development of processes for intensifying the structuring of reactive oligomers (RO) by means of infrared irradiation, irradiation of PCM with accelerated electrons, and exposure to high-frequency jets. Creation of new PCMs with an increased set of strength and performance properties, increased adhesion to various substrates, and resistance to light weather factors. Development of technologies to increase the resistance of cementitious materials to microbiological damage when used in medicine, aviation, food industry, and households. Creation of special cementitious materials based on polymer mixtures.

Formation of a leader’s personality in science, education and business

Founded in 2000, re-approved (certified) by the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of NTU ‘KPI’ №3 from 06.04.2010). The staff of the school includes: 4 doctors of sciences, 22 candidates of sciences. Prominent representatives of the scientific school: Doctor of Pedagogy, prof,
Prof. Ihnatiuk O.A., Doctor of Psychology, Prof. Pidbutska N.V., Doctor of Science in Education, In the next five-year period, the staff will be renewed by defending 4 doctoral and 4 PhD theses, the topics of which relate to the development of leadership potential in students of technical universities, development of teaching leadership, formation of leadership qualities in future psychologists, formation of leadership competence in future teachers, formation of leadership position in future officers, etc. Participation of scientists in the publication of 2 monographs, 9 textbooks, 24 scientific professional articles, 11 articles in journals included in the international scientometric database Copernicus, 3 articles in journals included in international scientometric databases, Scopus and Web of Science.

Technologies of oil, gas and solid fuel processing

The Scientific School is based on the Department of Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel Processing Technologies (approved by the Protocol of the Scientific and Technical Council of NTU ‘KPI’ No. 3 of 15.09.2010) and is a scientific centre of the coke and oil refining industry of Ukraine, specialising in research in a number of natural and technical sciences (including scientific and scientific and technical expertise in chemistry and chemical technology), namely

  •  research of solid fossil fuels for the purpose of expediency of their use in various sectors of the national economy;
  • coke and chemical production;
  • oil refining production;
  • production of innovative carbon materials;
  • coal gasification;
  • production of chemical products based on the processing of fossil fuels;
  • standardisation, certification, metrology and analytical research of coke and other types of coal processing;
  • implementation of technological processes, technical control and analysis, including measurements, analysis and assessment of potential sources of environmental pollution.

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