Unique equipment

Scanning electron microscope microanalyser

Faculty of Physics and Technology.

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors.

Model: REMMA-101A.

Country of manufacture: Ukraine.

Date of issue: 1995.

It is intended for studying the surface topography of organic and inorganic materials in the solid phase, conducting X-ray spectral analysis of the elemental composition of objects by wavelengths and energies of characteristic X-ray quanta.

The resolution is 10 nm.

Magnification range is 10-300000 times.

The accelerating voltage range is 0.2-40 kv.

The range of analysed elements is from Na to U.

Scanning electron microscopy methods are of interest to materials scientists, chemists, biologists, and physicists. They are indispensable for specialists in the field of microelectronics.


General-purpose X-ray diffractometer (3 units)

Faculty of Physics and Technology.

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors.

Model: DRON-3M.

Brief description of the equipment: Designed for a wide range of X-ray diffraction studies of various crystalline samples.

Technical characteristics: High voltage control range – 2-60 kV; X-ray tube anode current control range – 2-60 mA; angle range – 0-167°, 0-“-100°; detector angular movement step – not less than 0.005°; X-ray tubes – 2.0BSV-24 (Cu), 1.6BSV-24 (Ni); monochromatisation – Si crystal or pyrolytic graphite; motion control and recording of X-ray intensity on a computer.

Areas of research in which the equipment can be used: (a) studying the crystal structure of bulk samples and various coatings (phase composition, average grain size, mechanical stresses, texture, grain orientation, qualitative phase analysis); (b) measuring the thickness and density of coatings up to 100 nm thick; (c) studying the construction and structure of multilayer coatings; (d) measuring the radius of curvature of thin crystalline wafers (r<50 m); (e) measuring the roughness (rms) of the sample surface; and others.


Vacuum technological installations for sputtering of coatings by magnetron sputtering (5 units)

Faculty of Physics and Technology.

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors.

Model: Own development on the basis of Sumy VUPs.

Country of manufacture: Ukraine

Date of manufacture: 2005

Brief description of the equipment: Designed for deposition of single or multi-layer coatings of 1-3 materials on flat and curved surfaces with a total thickness of less than 0.1-2.0 microns with sub-nanometre thickness control accuracy.

Technical characteristics: Base vacuum – (1-5)´10-6 Torr. Equipment: at least 2 DC magnetrons. Deposition rate: 0.01-1.00 nm/s. Targets: B4C, C, Mg, Al, Si, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Zr, Mo, W; borides, silicides and carbides of transition metals. The total coating area is no more than 25 cm2.

Branches/areas of research in which the equipment can be used: production of layers and coatings that improve a) mechanical properties of massive objects (strength, microhardness, elasticity, stress, wear resistance, friction/slip, adhesion, etc. ); b) magnetic properties (thin-film sensors, RAM elements); c) electrical characteristics of the object (thermo-EMF, resistivity, thermal resistance, etc.); d) degree of corrosion protection; e) optical properties (photoelectronic emission, fluorescence, light absorption, reflection, refraction, etc.); and others.


X-ray diffractometer DRON-3M

An upgraded diffractometer for phase analysis of materials with a phase determination limit of 2-5%.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, medicine, forensics, ecology, jewellery production


X-ray fluorescence spectrometer “SPRUT”

Country of manufacture: Ukraine

Date of manufacture: 2010

The X-ray fluorescence spectrometer “SPRUT” is designed for quantitative analysis of chemical elements from Mg to U in the concentration range from 0.1 to 100% by standard methods and up to 0.001% by modernised methods.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, medicine, forensics, ecology, jewellery production


Installation of hydrostatic weighing VM-20

Hydrostatic weighing unit based on analytical balances VM-20 allows to determine the density of materials with an accuracy of ±0.02 G/cm3

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, medicine, forensics, ecology, jewellery production



Faculty: Faculty of Physics and Technology

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors

Model: SF-26

Brief description of the equipment:

The kit includes: spectrophotometer SF-26, four control filters, deuterium lamp DDS-30, incandescent lamp OP-33-0.3, mirror reflection prefix PZO-2.

The SF-26 spectrophotometer is designed to measure the transmittance of liquids and solids in the spectral range from 186 to 1200 nm.

Technical characteristics of SF-26:

– Spectral range, nm….. from 186 to 1200

– Relative aperture of the monochromator….. 1:11

– Transmittance scale reading range, %….. from 0 to 110

– Stretching of the transmittance scale sections to the entire scale:

10 % – from any integer number of tens of percent;

1% – in the range from 0 to 10%.

– Basic error of transmission coefficient measurements in the spectral range from 190 to 1200 nm, % abs. not more than …..1

– Power supply is 220±22 V, 50 Hz.

– Power consumption, V×A. …..170.


The PZO-2 is designed to estimate the square of the absolute and relative specular reflection coefficients of flat surfaces at an angle of incidence of the beam on a sample close to normal.

Technical characteristics of the PZO-2:

– Operating spectral range, nm …… from 220 to 1200.

– Dimensions of the measured samples, mm ….. from 25×25 to 50×50.

– Thickness of the measured samples, mm, not more than ….7

Industries/areas of research in which the equipment can be used:

Chemical industry. Study of optical properties of semiconductor materials.


FLUKE thermal imager

Faculty: physical and technical

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors

Model: Ti10

Country of manufacture: USA

Date of issue: 8/1/2012

Brief description of the equipment:

The Ti10 thermal imaging camera is a handheld imaging camera used for diagnostic maintenance, equipment troubleshooting and inspection. The thermal imager transmits thermal and visible images to a 640×480 resolution display.


– 640×480 thermal and visible image, Picture-in-Picture mode.

– The lower limit of the temperature range is ….-20°C.

– The upper limit of the temperature range is …+250°C.

– Accuracy ….. ±2оС

Industries/areas of research in which the equipment can be used:

Flaw detection, determination of the distribution of thermal fields in equipment and electronic equipment.



Faculty: physical and technical

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors

Model: TRM “I”

Brief description of the equipment:

Thermoradiometer TRM “I” (indicator) is designed to estimate the emissivity of surfaces of large-sized products and laboratory samples in relation to comparison samples. The surfaces under study must be opaque in the spectral sensitivity range of the thermoradiometer.

Technical characteristics:

– Spectral sensitivity range, µm … from 4 to 40.

– Limits of estimation of the emissivity coefficient … from 0.03 to 0.99.

– Discrepancy in the range of “0-1” during repeated measurements of the sample under the same conditions, cases, not more than …. 2.

– Frequency of heat flux modulation, Hz….7±1.

– Heat flux receiver – bolometer type BM6-Ts1 (BM6-Ts2).

– Visualization device – microammeter M907.

– Power consumption, B×A, not more than…..30.

– Operating temperature range, oC ….. from 10 to 35

at relative air humidity, %, not more than …..60.

Branches/directions of research in which the equipment can be used:

The thermoradiometer can be used in the machine-building and chemical industries.



Faculty: Faculty of Physics and Technology

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors

Model: FM-59

Brief description of the equipment:

The device is designed to determine the absorption coefficient As of solar radiation by opaque surfaces. The As coefficient is determined by an indirect method – on the basis of measuring the reflection coefficient of the tested surface, i.e. the value that complements the As coefficient to unity.

Technical characteristics:

– The total energy reflectance is measured in the range of 0 to 0.9 (0 – 90%) using reference samples.

– The solar absorption coefficient As is determined for the spectral wavelength range from 0.3 to 2.4 µm in the range from 1 to 0.1 (100 – 10%).

– The reflection coefficient is measured for a surface area with a diameter of 20 mm.

– During the measurements, the surface under investigation is illuminated at an angle of 16o to its normal.

– The measurements are performed on a flat or convex (spherical, cylindrical, conical) surface with the smallest radius of curvature r = 75 mm.

– Power supply from 127 or 220 V AC circuit.

– Power consumption is 100 W.

– The photometer can be operated both in laboratory and workshop conditions at a relative humidity of no more than 80% and a temperature of +15° to +30°C.

Areas of research in which the equipment can be used:

Preparation and certification of optical surfaces.


Transmission electron microscope

Faculty of Physics and Technology.

Department: physics of metals and semiconductors.

Model: PEM-125K.

Country of manufacture: Ukraine.

Date of issue: 2008.

It is designed to study the crystal structure and phase composition of thin crystals.

The lattice resolution is 0.14 nm.

The range of electron-optical magnifications is 50-1300000.

The accelerating voltage range is 25-125 kV.

The effective length of the diffraction chamber is 80-3500 mm.

Transmission electron microscopy methods are of interest to materials scientists, chemists, biologists, and physicists. They are indispensable for specialists in the field of microelectronics.

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