Science Park

Science Park NTU “KhPI” is a legal entity established on the initiative and on the basis of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” together with PJSC “Yuzhkabel Plant” and LLC “Sodruzhestvo-T” to organise, coordinate and control the process of commercialisation of university science and third-party research or start-ups.

The overall mission of NTU “KhPI” Science Park is to integrate intellectual potential into the process of development and implementation of knowledge-intensive products that will have a competitive advantage in the domestic and foreign markets, which is crucial for increasing the international competitiveness of Ukraine and ensuring sustainable development of the country and society.
NTU “KhPI” Science Park is a part of the “Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem of NTU “KhPI”– a technology development zone that provides a favourable environment and opportunities for technology companies and entrepreneurs to develop and commercialise their technologies.

The park works to promote technological development in Ukraine and create a culture of entrepreneurship, using the academic potential of NTU “KhPI” to create innovations; supports innovation and entrepreneurial activities in the community of NTU “KhPI”.

In the format of the Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem, NTU “KhPI” works on the following priorities:


– Interaction with international enterprises

– Search for investors

– Contracts with Ukrainian enterprises

– Commercialisation of start-up projects






The Science Park was created in order to:

– creation of new types of innovative products, implementation of measures for their commercialisation, organisation and provision of production of knowledge-intensive innovative products competitive in domestic and foreign markets;

– involvement of students, graduates, postgraduates, researchers and university staff in the development and implementation of science park projects;

– promotion of development and support of small innovative entrepreneurship;

– attraction and use of risk (venture) capital in its activities, support of knowledge-intensive production;

– development of international and domestic cooperation in the field of scientific, technical and innovative activities, promotion of foreign investments.

In order to carry out its activities, the Science Park has the right to:

– create branches and representative offices acting on its behalf on the basis of the relevant Regulations approved by the Park Company;

– to join any associations of legal entities, funds and associations, both in Ukraine and abroad;

– to establish enterprises of various organisational and legal forms together with individuals and/or legal entities, residents and/or non-residents of Ukraine, in the territory of Ukraine and abroad in accordance with the procedure and on the conditions established by the current legislation;

– implement their developments in Ukraine and abroad through the execution of commercial contracts or the sale of licences;

– be a member of other business entities;

– independently conduct foreign economic activity in accordance with the laws of Ukraine;

– create temporary creative teams on the basis of agreements with enterprises, organisations and other business units to solve targeted production, economic, scientific and technical tasks;

– to carry out export-import operations, direct production, scientific and technical relations with non-resident enterprises, to conduct commodity exchange operations;

– to organise commercial exhibitions, fairs, auctions, bidding, business shows and programmes;

– to send its full-time and contracted employees abroad to perform contractual and initiative work, as well as to participate in any scientific and technical conferences, symposia, exhibitions;

– train staff and improve their qualifications in accordance with its needs and at the request of third parties with the issuance of non-state documents, etc.

Within the framework of the work of LLC “Science Park NTU “KhPI”, together with 15 departments, the Centre for Scientific and Technical Support, Modernisation and Development of Internal Combustion Engines for Armoured Vehicles of Ukraine operates. Scientists from 15 departments jointly with LLC “Science Park NTU “KhPI” participate in the work of the Centre. The Centre has executed 18 business contracts for enterprises and organisations totalling UAH 1.3 million.

As an example, in 2022, within the framework of the work of Science Park NTU “KhPI” LLC together with the university departments, the order of the State Design Bureau “Pivdenne” was completed for the amount of UAH 1.3 million.

Director: Dmitry Vladimirovich Romashov

Contact phone: +38(093) 720-56-03










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